Never used virtual reality (VR) for your professional activity or at all? You have no clue how to get started through vr-bnb but are eager to? No worries, this article will help you out and allow you to use VR for the first time in a professional context.


All you have to do is send an e-mail to with the following information in order to be guided through every step towards your first VR professional experience:

  1. What exactly do I want to do? (e.g.: presentation of a product to a prospect, collaboration around a 3D mockup, training, etc.)

  2. What do I want to visualize? (e.g.: the interior of an apartment, a prototype, a simulation of a specific situation, etc.)

  3. Do I have a 3D digital mockup? If yes, on which application?

  4. In which area do you want to get started with VR? (e.g.: Paris, Barcelona, Munich, etc.)

You may simply copy/paste the here above questions in your e-mail or contact form and add your answer under them. A vr-bnb coordinator will get in touch with you and guide you through the remaining steps! A world of virtual experiences will be yours.